Choker Sweater || Sunglasses || Bag || Black Marble Phone Case || White Marble Phone Case || Belt || Choker || Tall Boot || Bootie || Hat || Lace Up Sweater || Maroon Fringe Denim || Black Fringe Denim
Last week, we truly experienced fall weather here in Louisiana. Thankfully the temperatures are still cooler, but I am ready for it to be in full swing. I have had such the itch to wear sweaters and boots, it is unreal. And of course every time I go shopping now that is all I want to buy. I have linked some items above that I have recently purchased, or still have my eye on because there are just some things that I have to have for the fall season!
Oversized sweaters – I love them. Literally cannot get enough of the comfy feel I get when wearing one. I have already purchased the two above so I am sure you will be seeing them on the blog soon!
Over-the-knee boots – These might be my favorite fall accessory. I have too many pairs but in my defense, I wear them every chance I get! I love how they can be dressed up, or down, and add sass to my look!
Wool hats – Because the weather is SO warm in the Spring and Summer, I do not get to wear hats often. I love when fall rolls around, and will throw a hat on any chance I have. Secretly I have always wanted to live in New York, and my hats make me feel more like a New Yorker than usual.
Velvet – So I have been crushing on this velvet Gucci bag for a while, but really all things velvet right now have my eye. This fabric is so luxurious and I love how it has come back!